Managing Citybase apps

Launching an application

To open an app you have installed, click on its name from the “Your organization” page in the dashboard.

Launching an application.

Changing the URL of an application

**Note**: If you have a Screendoor account, change your `` subdomain by [following the instructions here](../../screendoor/projects/branding_your_forms.html).

To change an application’s URL, press the “Edit” button next to its name on the “Your organization” page. Enter a new URL, and then press the “Save changes” button. Note that your URL must be unique: if a URL has already been taken by another organization, we’ll ask you to choose another.

Adding or changing a plan

**Note**: If you have a Screendoor account, add or change your plan by [following the instructions here](../../screendoor/your_account/billing.html).

On the “Your organization” page, click the “Edit” button next to an application’s name. Under “Plan,” select a plan from the dropdown and click the “Save changes” button. (If you don’t have a credit card on file with us, you will see an “Enter payment information” button instead.)

See the Billing article for more information. If you’re on a custom plan and would like to change it, please contact us at

Removing an application

**Note**: If you have a Screendoor account, downgrade to a free plan by [following the instructions here](../../screendoor/your_account/billing.html).

From the “Your organization” page, click the “Edit” button next to the application’s name. Click the “Uninstall app” link to remove the application.

app settings